Ghostvff here!


While I'm stranded on this rock I figured I would write short stories about a fat ghost lol. I made this site on a whim as a means to share my stories and blog about whatever's on my mind! I encourage you to grab a soda, chug it, then read something! I promise you'll enjoy at least one of those things :D


09/18/24: NEW STORY: "(Die)t Soda"

09/15/24: NEW STORY: "Rubber Ducks I.".

09/15/24: Many small fixes to scaling for phones. (still work in progress)

09/14/24: Launch day! Site officially up on Neocities!

09/13/24: Changed placeholder image to my own drawing.


09/12/24: NEW STORY: "Cockroach Encounter".

09/11/24: NEW STORY: "Nuclear Runoff Pond". Remade menu table within a div. Created story page template.

09/10/24: Seperated Update/Blog section. Created Updates section.

09/10/24: Test update


09/20/24: The new "Unto Others" album is amazing!! So many great songs, stop reading this and go listen to it now! (As of this moment "Suicide Today" is my fav off the album!) Also I downloaded a new game today, "UFO 50"! Such a good game, or i guess 50 games. So glad they restored all those classic games lol. But in all honesty, what a steal. I don;t often buy new games, and I wont need to for a while cause I just got 50 for the price of 1/3rd the modern AAA title! Also yesterday I wrote a new story, I'm gonna lookover it tonight again to see if I still like it, edit it a little, then post it tomorow! I'm still a little sick and tired, it just doesn't wanna let go :( At least I got Wendy's chili today! Did you know you can buy their chili in a can now from stores! Their store bought canned chili honestly tastes better than the restraunt chili. I guess they can it with love!

09/19/24: Yesterday I had my job interview, I'm defo not working there! The employees never know when their start time is. It changes on a daily basis! The listing says it starts at 8:00pm, but they say depending on the workload it could start at 5:30 pm and end at the same time or later. What kind of crap is that! Before everyone clocks out, they post the starting time for the next day... "wow, I feel honored and treated with respect as an employee" are words I'm sure have never been spoken there. Anyways, I ate a whole can of pringles and got some ice cream today. So a productive day was had. Still feeling a little sick. I think I might have got Covid again. I got it 3 times in the past, but luckily it isnt bad this time. It's just lingering, making my head feel a little wacky, and making me sleepy. At least this isn't like the last three times where i was basically bed ridden lmao. But hopefully it'll go away soon and I'll be healthy for the rest of the year or until I feel like calling off of work again a few months from now. If any of you guys are into more gothic/metal music "Unto Others" is releasing a new album tommorow! The singles they've released so far have been great so I'm looking forwards to it! And then after that "The Black Dahlia Murder" releases their new album next friday! So pumped for that, I know they'll make Trevor proud!

09/18/24: I'm feeling better today. A little tired and stuffy still, but good enough. I finally finished the (Die)t soda story, so that's good! Work went well today, and I got Taco bell afterwards so that automatically makes it a good day! The grilled cheese burrito is one of the most amazing things ever! I could never get a job at Taco Bell cause I'd eat everthing all the time haha! I'd be like, oops, sorry about the wait, I accidentally at your first order! Anyways, I have a job interview tonight at 8:30pm. It's for this company that ships medical equipment over the country. They pay well and I've done jobs similar but this place is huge! And it's also crap hours! If I get the job it would be from 8pm - 4:30am. Thats's the hours I'm sleeping now! And apparently this company closely monitors your punch ins and outs. If you punch in a minute late they keep track of that, and if you accrue enough minutes late you're fired. So that's lovely, sorry I'm not a robot. But I figure I'll check the place out tonight. If they offer me the position I'll probably take it. And if I hate the job I'll quit lol. It also sounds like they might hold people over a lot. Aparently you can't leave until everyhting has been packed and shipped out for the night. If they hold me over too often that won't work. How about you either hire more people, or take in less of a work load for people to handle! I shouldn't be forced to stay past my shift just cause there's more work that needs done. I feel like job hours should be set in stone and not flexible. People have lives, both the customer and worker. Respect that.

09/17/24: Well, I'm sick today. Called off work and drinking lots of tea. I got a call from a job I applied for. Sounds kinda sucky to be honest but they pay really well. I'm going to have an in person interview tommorow and explore their warehouse... yay... Maybe I'll just go off the grid, cook rabbits and update this site from my phone. I honestly do wanna hike the appalachian trail one day. I have all the resources currently to do so, the only thing that holds me back from a lot of stuff is my family. I don't wanna let them down, and I feel like dropping off the face of the earth to take on a major undertaking would make them worry. But at the same time I've gotta live and do some stupid stuff haha. I've been thinking about life recently. What is more important, longevity or happiness. I value happiness more, but everyone else tells me you need a balance between the two. How is that possible when you spend 5 days at work and not having the time to do much else? My hapiness is tied to my job, if I work at one placce too long I start getting depressed and hating that place. So honestly I might need to just take a big risk like the appalachian trail to live a little. We'll see, but regardless I'll continue updating this site and writing fun little stories. It's comforting to have a place like this to dump my thoughts and share my stories. So to that one person that might read this years into the future. Thanks for listening.

09/16/24: I'm starting to feel sick today. Sick of people! Just kidding, that's everyday! But in all honesty I've got a headache, my throat is sore and my nose is stuffy :( I was able to make it through work today, but that took it out of me. Hopefully I'll feel better in a bit. I started writing another story yesterday! At first I wanted to write one about how Freya finds ghost hunters annoying, but I was inspired when I took a sip of my soda and noticed it was Diet! In all honesty diet soda doesn't taste that different, but I though it would be funny to see Freya's reaction to it! I might try to finish it tonight if I'm up to it! It's sometimes hard to focus when I'm sick. I'm not too too sick, but just enough to where it bothers me. Also I was checking the site out on other browsers. I think if the site is viewed on any desktop it displays correctly (at least in firefox and google chrome tested with 1920x1080 monitor and 1280x800 monitor(steam deck) from my testing). On mobile the site works fine if held horizontally. I tested this on a few android phones and on google chrome, startpage, and firefox. If held vertically the site is funky accross all browsers in different ways. Firefox displays it the best, however it messes up the stories and resises the text seemingly randomly. I'm sure this is due to it being a table. Startpage and Chrome display everything fine except for the story page. It makes the links to the stories small and I don't know why! I'm using the same Div as I also use on the contact page box, so it should be the same!? The contact page is fine, so what's going on here haha! But overall I think the site is functional enough on all platforms. Maybe I'll go to walmart or something and look up my site to see how it displays across different computers lmao. That is a joke, the workers already have it hard enough. I can't imagine them stumbling upon some site with a fat ghost girl image and the ramblings of Ghostvff... Unless I do, do this and they see this blog post, in that case HELLO WALMART EMPLOYEE. PRO TIP, SMOKE A CANDY CIGERATE TO GET AN EXTRA BREAK!

09/15/24 again: I want this to be memorialized on this site. Walmart Italian style pinwheels and their 66 cent Clear American Huckleberry Sparkling Juice got me through this summer. That is all.

09/15/24: I updated the code for a lot of the site to make it more mobile friendly. Those updates didn't do much but they happened haha! My biggest issue right now is trying to get the font to scale with diferent devices. Right now the site can be fully accessed and is legible if you hold your phone horizontally, but holding it vertcally isn't the best. However, the stories are legible and everything else is accessable vertically! The font just seems a bit too big, and the view port for the blog seems a little small. I might just call that a win for now lol, but I'll continue learning about html to improve the accessability to the site. (I'm pretty sure all 200 views on this site are from me updating it and checking it on my spare phones and other laptops with different monitors haha!) I also wrote a new story I'll upload today! It's about Waffle and his rubber ducks <3. On the more personal side, I started my new position at work. Luckily it's not that bad! The worst part of today was the stupid company meeting where they discussed how the store's doing great but we;re low on credit cards. I could care less! One lady even said she saved a customer by getting them a credit card. Aparently this "customer" couldn't afford any food, so she asked them if they'd like a credit card and the customer was so thankful! What a nice story that has never happened in the history of plastic money squares. Also I applied for another full time job that would be night shift. That's kinda sucky, but I'm sure I could get used to it.

09/14/24: I don't know why I'm nervious about launching the site. I doubt many people will stumble upon it, which I like! But it's always scary to share a part of you with anyone. I used to draw abstract art and post it to instagram. I got a decent following on instagram but deleted my account becasue I started feeling like my art wasn't good enough. If a drawing got less likes than the last I would rack my brain around what went wrong and then I would agonize over my next drawing, trying to make it as interesting as I can. I also drew a new piece everyday, so I uploaded some I felt were lackluster, all for the sake of consistancy to grow in the algorithm. That whole experience turned me away from art for a while. I still draw, but I now don't share it anywhere. So why am I uploading my stories online? I don't really know, maybe they can brighten up someones day, maybe they can inspire someone to do better than me? I was inspired by Nekojiru. I felt I really understood the author when reading their work. I wanted to learn more about them and read more of their stuff. So I guess I wanna provide that to others if they find my writings or anything interesting. As much as I fear talking to people, I find them really facinating and love the art they create. So who's to say someone doesn't feel the same about whatever I make.

09/13/24: I took most of the stories I wrote and uploaded them on my site! I reread a few I initially wasn't a fan of but came to realize I liked them! Similarly, there were a few I didn't feel made the cut. I will rework them at some point I'm sure. Also, I think I like the picture I drew for the site! I have also come to the conclusion commissioning art is gonna be rough. Firstly, I get terribly nervous talking to anyone haha! Secondly, all the payment services like cash app and paypal require you to use your real full name! No way I am giving that to anyone!! I could find an artist that accepts crypto, but I am not knowledgeable enough nor care enough to learn about crypto wallets, securing it, acquiring it without coinbase or something. So yeah, carrier pidgeon is the way to go! I also got dairy queen pumpkin ice cream today! It is divine! Why can't pumpkin flavored stuff be around all year?

09/12/24: I wrote a new story today! Jelly Jam Mountain Part one! It's a fun little one that has it all! Comedy, chugging, the works lol. I also found a webpage that converts text to html table! That makes it way easier and faster to create the pages for my stories! I've also eaten a bit today. For lunch I've had sushi, a beef stick, box of pocky, rootbeer, and black rasperry sparkeling ice! So good day so far! Also with these blog posts I'm not gonna spell check or anything for them. I like just writing them unfiltered and really capturing a moment in time. Ofcourse I'll always spell check and grammar check my stories, but I'm lazy about the blog haha. I also tried tracing one of my pencil drawings of a ghost girl in fire Alpaca. Yeah... it's fine as a placeholder, but I'm gonna commission someone for a more fitting drawing. Or maybe I'll try drawing another, we'll see

9/11/24: Whelp. My code was holding me back so I fixed it. I needed to use a table for the story pages but that was impossible with me directly formatting the tables in css without a div lol. So I rewrote that to be in a div, that's all well and good now. Div's are friends. I think I'm also going to rework the sizing of the site to make it more narrow and easier to read. Maybe... But I added the first story I wrote to the site! Yay! I'm using a table and copying the text in. I might make a program to automate this, or see if anyone else has made one? Anyway today I had the lunch with the employees I work with. So awkward D: Next time there's a company lunchin I'm calling off. I don't know these people, nor do i wanna talk to them. Just give me money and let me eat tacobell in my car in peace.

9/10/24: I didn't work on the site today. I wanted to finish a story I was writing, "Matress Madness"! While using google docs I realized that maybe I should go with a design like that, where the text retains its formatting and doesnt wrap... Maybe, I'll just have to test it out a few ways! Durring the rest of the day I'll look a little more into other sites. Anyway I had a decent day. Working at "unnamed hardware store" is fun in the garden center, but I'll be moving to the parsel possition after this week as they scale back the garden center. I'm nervious about that but I'm hopeful it'll be alright. Also, job searching sucks! All the decent sounding full time jobs are either low paying or 45 min away! Curse of livining in the middle of nowhere. I say curse, but I'd much rather live here than any city. Too many people in those places and driving in cities sucks too! Just give me long roads with minimal intersections please, thank you! Also cities don't have many nature trails or animals apart from concrete paths and pidgeons. It's nice seeing deer and rabbits everyday! Anyways, I'm gonna eat a borger and drink some mnt_dew! (Idea, seperate site updates and blog instead of having them all in the same paragraph/box)

9/9/24: I finished the contact page and added in the Stories page. I think that's as good as the site's gonna get. I was thinking about changing the tab colors when you hover over them or based on what page you're on, but with my crap code that is impossible! So unless I wanna rewrite the entire site, this is what it's gonna look like! I may oneday rework this thing... But as long as it works as it is and on any device then that's good enough for me! The next thing to tackle is going to be the Stories. What kind of page am I going to display them on? Should it be the same template of the site? Or should they be on their own dedicated pages? My initial thought is I'll probably just copy the site and do it that way, my only consern is readability. Humans tend to read things easier when it's not spaced accross the entire screen! Right now for my site it's fine, since there's not a lot to read, but for the stories that may be different. I'll have to see how other people handle this issue and come to an informed decision on how to proceed. Another thing I would like to implement is a guestbook. I'll probably use a third party one. Other then the afformentioned stuff, I just need to commision some art for the homepage, continue writing stories, and then I think that will be good enough to launch the site! I'm sure once I launch it I'll find a million problems with it scaling to devices and such, but that's for future Ghostvff to worry about. Time to enjoy some ramen and write a little.

9/8/24: Instead of going all white I tried going in the style of old computer windows like Windows 3.1. However I didn't feel it was special enough or represented me enough. So I played around a bit before making everything blue! The inset borders also were really cool and helped inform the style. Right now I have a placeholder image I found on my computer, but I'll have to commision an artist for Freya and Waffle! I think it's be cute to have them waving or something. I've also got to nail down Freya's design. I have a decent idea, but I have no idea about hair styles! I want her to have long hair, so maybe I'll have to find a lot of references to inform the design. On the other hand I have Waffle's design nailed down for the most part! I just need find a good way to connext his arm to his back. Anyways, next I need to make the update font more legable and create the Story tab. I also want to highlight the tabs as you mouse over them. May I'll also highlight the tab the user is currently on. We'll see how much time I've got tomorow!

9/7/24: Started learning html/css yesterday and created this site today! It was honestly easier than I thought. The hard part is going to be creating a nice theme and identity for it. Right now it looks like a lot of tables. That simplistic design could work, but I feel it's missing some life to it. Will continue building this layout and making the site functional for my needs, then try to make it pretty. I plan on publishing this to Neocities when everything is functional and not borked. I got the page to scale for mobile devices, but I'm unsure if zooming in and out is good enough right now. The whole page scales when zooming, but the text gets bigger and smaller so thats good :) Maybe I'll just call it a feature! Also my code is horrid, but hey, if it works it works!
