Cockroach Encounter

Freya:Uhg, This bridge just keeps going on and on, at least the lake’s pretty…
Freya:Hey Waffle! What’s the highest floor you think you could survive falling from?
Waffle:My frame is rated to withstand drops of 16 feet. Anything higher would cause me exterior and interior damage. Therefore I can survive falling from the second story of most buildings.
Freya:Hahaha, only the second story? Weak hehe, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s just, for me that’s like the equivalent of stepping down a singular stair!
Waffle:Do you not struggle with traversing stairs?
Freya:Ah… Anyways my ghostly body could survive falling from the tallest of towers! And I even have built in airbags to cushion my landing!
Waffle:What kind of airbags do you possess?
Freya:The big and beautiful kind Teehee!
Freya:I’ve also been doing some endurance training of the slapping nature too so - OH NO STOP STOP STOP!
Waffle:What is wrong?
Freya:T-There’s a roach right there!
Waffle:Do not be alarmed, cockroaches pose no threat to ghost or machine.
Freya:Don’t be tricked by his vile roach propaganda, I know they’ve crawled from the depths of hell for one reason and one reason alone. To bring about the Roach World Order!
Freya:I mean, Don’t you find it odd how they’re the only ones left after the plague wiped everything else out? I bet they’ve been plotting our downfall from the start!
Waffle:Do you want me to go around it?
Freya:No, it might ambush us! We need to scare it off.
Freya:*Sigh* Waffle, I’m gonna try something, but if it doesn’t work I just want you to know that, you’ve been the best friend a girl could ask for.
Freya:Alright, here goes nothing.
Freya:*inhale* Hey buster! Yeah I’m talkin to you! You’re really cruisin for a bruisin by steppin on our turf ya here! Now you best make like my belly and bounce, unless you want my fists to entertain your ugly bug face!
Waffle:It appears the cockroach is retreating.
Freya:Yeah, that's right. Take your scrawny roach ass outta my sight. If we see you again you best be carrying a bug sized coffin!
Waffle:The cockroach has turned back around and is heading in our direction. It does not appear to be carrying a bug sized coffin.
Freya:Eeek! No bug sized coffin!! We’re so doomed!
Freya:That’s it, I’m jumping!
Waffle:Wait, Freya!
Waffle:Freya! Are you alright?
Freya:Uhg, my frontal airbags didn’t enjoy that belly flop at all.
Waffle:We could have just gone back the way we came.

Eeek a Roach! Oh wait it's just your mouse.