Mattress Tag Mayhem

Freya:Here it is Waffle! I’m starting to tear up just looking at it!
Waffle:Why does this mattress store cause you tears?
Freya:Cause somewhere within those walls lies a lonely bed that’s begging for my body!
Waffle:Bed’s are inanimate objects that do not ‘beg’.
Freya:*sigh* I sometimes wish that were true, but when fat and bed meet in perfect harmony, it makes it all worth it!
Waffle:I do not comprehend.
Freya:It’s ok, one day you’ll find the bed calling your name Waffle!
Waffle:There is nothing calling my name other than you.
Freya:Haha, I do that a lot huh! Anyways, why don’t we enter this pillowy paradise!
Freya:Huh, are the beds sleeping? Waffle, do you see a light switch anywhere?
Waffle:I have located the lightswitch, however there appears to be water damage on the ceiling and walls. It would not be advisable to turn them on in these conditions.
Freya:Hey Waffle, watch this! Fat Lux! Hehe, just a little casual magic, no biggie~
Waffle:That was not magic. You flipped the lightswitch while I was not looking.
Freya:Prove it! Haha you can’t cause it was totally magic!
Freya:Whoa look at that, oh ho ho! oh my gosh, hehe hello beautiful!
Waffle:Beds cannot communicate.
Freya:Ooo you’re so soft yet firm! Hehe stop it, you’re such a flirt! Oh, but really? Do you really think you can handle all this? Well if you insist~
Waffle:Are you alright?
Freya:Nope! She’s a bed of nails dressed in soft sheets! Grunt, phew, uhg! *pant, pant* Help! Waffle! She’s got me trapped in her vile clutches! She-she’s hurting my back and!! Oh no, not the butt not the butt, Ahhhh!
Freya:Phew, I really thought that was gonna be my *huff* my death bed! Phew! Why don’t we teach *puff* this truck bed a lesson! They’ve really messed with the wrong fat ass!
Waffle:How do you intend on punishing a bed?
Freya:Mwahahaha! I’m gonna take away something it really values. You know what that is Waffle?
Freya:The mattress tag! Without it, no one will be able to buy her or lie in her devouring clutches ever again!
Waffle:Firstly, there are no living humans to purchase it. Secondly, it is illegal to remove the mattress tag.
Freya:Pff, what are they gonna do? Send in the mattress task force? HA! Even if they do catch me, I know the court will see this as a crime of passion! Yoink!
*The fire alarm sounds off*
Freya:Oh crap! I’ll put it back I’ll put it back! Please don’t send me to jail! I’m too fat for a cell!
Waffle:Freya, we need to evacuate the building. There is smoke indicating a fire.
Freya:No way… THEY’RE TRYING TO BURN THE EVIDENCE! Now that I devalued the mattress they wanna make their money back from insurance!
Waffle:Freya, ride me so we can evacuate.
Freya:Right now. I mean… Oh, I was, nevermind haha! Let’s hurry outa here!
Freya:Whoa, slow down! You’re pretty wobbly!
Waffle:I will decrease my speed when we are at a safe distance from the store.
Freya:Wow you’re fast!
Freya:Goodbye mattresses, may you all find peace in matress heaven! Except for that one harlot, she deserves a special spot in mattress hell…
Freya:You think any turned into ghosts?
Waffle:No. However, their ashes will fertilize the earth. Making it possible for new mattresses to be fabricated in the future.
Freya:Huh, that’s really poetic of you, I like that thought! You think we’re far enough away yet?
Waffle:If the building were to fall, dust and debris would reach us in this location. My calculations indicate a safe zone 0.1 miles away.
Waffle:Warning. Unsteady ground. Falling.
Freya:Ahhh, oof!
Waffle:Freya are you ok?
Freya:Hehe, I’m fine! I would ask you the same, but it looks like my airbags stopped you from hitting the ground haha!
Waffle:I apologize for the miscalculation in my walking cycle.
Freya:Don’t worry about it! In fact, I think your miscalculation just found the bed that was calling your name!
Waffle:I am not on a bed. I am positioned on top of your belly and chest.
Freya:Hehe, do you feel comfortable?
Waffle:I would rather have all four legs on the ground, however your fat protected my frame.
Freya:That sounds like a yes to me!! If it’s comfortable and soft, it's a bed! So if you ever need a little robot rest, my massive tummy and booba are all yours~
Waffle:My frame does not require rest. However, I will utilize the offer when needed.
Freya:Aww, we should do this more often. Look at how pretty the smoke is too!
Waffle:Suggestion. We should refrain from setting more buildings on fire.

If you think about it, earth is really just one big mattress (why couldn't it be more comfy T-T)