Nuclear Runoff Pond

Waffle: Freya, why are we at a nuclear runoff pond?
Freya: I wanna taste the water!
Waffle: I would advise against drinking it.
Freya: You see, that's exactly why we’re here. When I was living, everyone would always tell me, “Freya don’t eat all the brownies. Freya, don’t eat all the raw cookie dough. But guess what! I ate all those brownies and I ate all that raw cookie dough and my tummy thanks me for it! So I figure it’s now time to consume the nuclear water!
Waffle: Do you know what radiation is?
Freya: Yep, it’s kinda like Santa or the tooth fairy! It doesn't exist!
Waffle: It is scientifically proven to exist.
Freya: I don’t trust science.
Waffle: Why not?
Freya: Because scientists don't believe in ghosts.
Waffle: While true, that does not discredit science as a whole.
Freya: But it puts everything else into doubt! If they don’t fully understand their own species what hope do they have in understanding anything?
Waffle: Does that not apply to you as well? In any circumstance, you should refrain from drinking the water.
Freya: Too late!
Freya: Mmm, it doesn’t taste too different from regular water! It just leaves a spicy metallic taste in the mouth.
Waffle: Freya, you are glowing.
Freya: Aww stop it you’re too kind~
Waffle: No, you are literally glowing.
Freya: Whoa! Awesome, now I don’t have to turn the lights on when getting a midnight snack!

The story that started it all!